Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Olympic National Park

After saying goodbye to Jim we headed on down the road. We stopped at Ruby Beach and Beach Four off of Hwy 101. The waves were large due to a strong storm last night. The rocks at Ruby Beach were amazing. Everything from huge rock forms sticking out of the water to small and medium sized rocks covering the beach. You had to dig a long way to even find the sand. If you stood near the shore, you could hear the waves pulling rocks over rocks as they returned out to where they came from. Never heard waves make that sound before: a quiet rumble. At Beach Four we saw huge tree stumps on the path to the beautiful overview. You can see Sandy crouching down on top of one. Later we stopped at Lake Sylvia to have a bite to eat. As I write this we are traveling towards our next destination: Mt. Rainer National Park. We have seen more rain lately, and the rain makes it hard at times. It makes us crave the comforts of home. However we feel refreshed by our stay at the Hostel with Jim and for now the rain has stopped and we are “running with the sun” = ). We focus on the fact that each day we are both learning so much about life and ourselves. We ask that you all keep us in our prays, as we do all of you. Namaste!

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