Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jim and his Rainforest Hostel

We had read about the Rainforest Hostel in one of our books, Sandy called and made us a reservation and we headed down HWY 101. We arrived about a half hour before we were supposed to check in, but we pulled in anyways. We saw a barn, the remnants of a garden, a house with stacks of fire wood, and a couple of well loved/used vehicles (not much unlike our lovely Lenny). We were a bit hesitant at first, but Jim (the Hostel/Home) owner came to the door and we went up to talk with him. As we entered we saw basically a man’s home that was equip with two rooms for guest that each had bunk beds and a full size bed. The kitchen had many dishes, pots, pans, just anything you could think of, and in the living room is where Jim first took us. There is a fireplace, piles of wood, couches, Native American art, books, pamphlets, and just many things that Jim has collected in the 22 years he has been running this hostel. He also has a computer where he can often be found listening to “Democracy Now”, or the local news station. He shared with us recent speeches given by the presidential candidates, and other recent news we have missed. He shared with us recordings he had of poetry, music, and speeches. Sandy and I made dinner when we first arrived (Spaghetti with broccoli and mushrooms along with garlic bread and a piece of corn on the cob a piece). It felt like a feast!!! We made enough for Jim who sat down with us for dinner, but not before reading us a prayer, which I will include at the bottom of this blog. Sandy and I cooked up some things for our future travels (Quinoa, Boiled Eggs, etc) We also washed the sheets from the bed in the van. It was time = ). Sandy headed to shower and then to bed. I stayed up with Jim for a bit longer, and then went to bed. It was raining hard at this point and it was nice to fall asleep to the sound of it.
We woke up this morning to sunshine and the sound of the birds singing. The rain had stopped. We made breakfast, got showered and put on clean clothes = ) Feels so good to be clean = ). Then we did our chores. You see at Jim’s hostel, he keeps the prices low by asking each quest to help him with chores for 15 minutes. So I was asked to vacuum the house, and Sandy swept the kitchen and cleaned the bathroom. After we finished we continued to talk to Jim for a bit. He told us it had been since the end of August since he had any quest. I wonder if he gets lonely? Jim thinks outside the box, and he told us that many have called him crazy. We did not find Jim to be crazy, but he does live outside what many would call the “social norm”. He speaks out against conformity, excess, structures that do not bring about positive change/growth, and he believes in living simply and doing all we can to better ourselves and the world around us. As I went up to a Native American drawing on his wall, telling him I liked it very much, he told me a friend of his who had died from Cancer had given it to him. He then asked me if I wanted it. I told him he did not need to give it to me. He simply said, “a gift” and took it off the wall and gave it to me. I will include the drawing and it’s meaning in a blog of it’s own. Thank you Jim for your kindness, your passion, and your gentle soul!
The prayer:
Our father, hear us, and our grandfather. I mention also all those that shine: the yellow day, the good wind, the good timber, and the good earth.
All the animals, listen to me under the ground. Animals above ground, and water animals, listen to me. We shall eat your remnants of food. Let them be good.
Let there be long breath and life. Let the people increase, the children of all ages, the girls and boys, and the men of all ages and the women, the old men of all ages and the old women.
The food will give us strength whenever the sun runs.
Listen to us Father, Grandfather. We ask thought, heart, love, happiness. We are going to eat.

-Arapaho Grace

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