Friday, July 25, 2008

Our Travel Adventures

Sam and I are starting this blog so everyone can follow our travels and keep up with where we are along our journey (that includes the non-myspacers and face bookers). We are currently moving out of our apartment and will be homeless for approximately three weeks. Not seriously homeless but technically we have no place to call our own except for our van. And thanks to Samantha's parents for helping us take the van on the road!!!!We have been hoping for this and now it is actually become a reality. And for those of you who have experienced the van know this is going to be one hell of a trip. We are going to Costa Rica for the first part of our trip. We will be driving to Florida to visit with Samantha's sister and brother-in-law and then flying out of Florida in mid-August and stay for seventeen days. We will hopefully be able to post pictures while we are down there. We will be backpacking while in Costa Rica so neither of us have really done a trip this long with backpacks; it will be exciting to see how it turns out. My brother may also join us on our trip. Sam and I will both be updating the blog periodally throughout our travels. STAY TUNED!!!

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